Sunday, March 30, 2014

Printmaking: Drypoint

First test proof. You can see areas where the line isn't deep enough for the ink.

Final print - all of the elements showing up nicely.
I took another printmaking class because I wanted to try drypoint. I carved straight into the plate with a needle tool and this method is called drypoint. It's very similar to what I did last time, but this round, I skipped the etch process, which eats into the plate.  It's a much more controlled outcome because what you carve is what you get. Of course there's still the variable of how much ink you use. After the plate is totally inked, you can wipe it off in very decisive ways depending what you're after. I feel satisifed that I got a print that I'm happy with. 

Incidentally, I used water soluble ink for this print, whereas the last round was done with oil-based ink.

I'm not sure I like my work as much in black and white. And I miss the hand quality that an actual painting has. So, hard to say if I will continue with this. Much fun to play with!