Sunday, October 23, 2011

The beginning...

This is the very first painting I did that was nature-related.  2003, I think. I still have the original somewhere - funny to look back on. I have been going through old files today and's really only something you can do when you're in the mood. Can't force such tedious work as this.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Frames of the plains

On the plains of Wyoming, these structures are striking and yet, somehow almost invisible. It was about half way into our trip that I felt idiotic for not stopping for pictures of them all.
That first one, FISH ON RANCH, was on a back road but can you just imagine picking out your land and going, "Yeah, right there." Too perfect.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Never ends

So many cute things on etsy.... so few places to put them. Bad hair day print by i love doodle.