Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Behind the scenes...

botanical painting

botanical painting

botanical painting

botanical painting
There are paintings floating around my studio, in piles and folders and tiny places. Some of them are rough ideas and some just didn't quite work out. Some laid the ground work for real paintings to come.

This past weekend, I took each one and popped it on a 9" x 12" piece of craft paper and will bind them.  It seems obvious now how handy this will befor there's lots of little ideas in each of these. And I think it's very useful to keep it all in mind as you move forward because ideas, new and old, have ways of coming together unexpectedly.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Vintage beauties

Found these needlepoint bonsai at the thrift store.. well, the fancy thrift store. Can't wait to hang them in my studio. The back says "K.L. 1977"